From: Johan Sandgren 
Message-Id: <>
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
Subject: Drag'n drop problems...
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I have some problems with drag'n drop. I used the d&d demo-example of MUI3.3
which creates two custom-classes (listviews).

In this example it's only possible to drag 1 object in-between. I modified
the classcode function FieldsList_DragDrop()

to use

  DoMethod(msg->obj, MUIM_List_NextSelected, &id);

to get next id-no from source.

THE THING IS that the 2 first entries in the source-listview is NOT possible to drag.
I get MUIV_NextSelected_END with the top two entries selected.

If I pick no 3 - 6, all 4 is selected and draggable.



/\/\_/\-/\ - A3000 CyberVision 64  /\/\-/\_/\
\/\/ \/-\/  Amiga Programmer - AmigaOS3.1 AFSPro MUI \/\/-\/ \/

From: (Marcel Jantz)
To: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
Subject: Re: Drag'n drop problems...
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>I have some problems with drag'n drop. I used the d&d demo-example of MUI3.3
>which creates two custom-classes (listviews).

>In this example it's only possible to drag 1 object in-between. I modified
>the classcode function FieldsList_DragDrop()

>to use

>  DoMethod(msg->obj, MUIM_List_NextSelected, &id);

>to get next id-no from source.

>THE THING IS that the 2 first entries in the source-listview is NOT possible
>to drag. I get MUIV_NextSelected_END with the top two entries selected.

>If I pick no 3 - 6, all 4 is selected and draggable.

Well, you have to initialize id to MUIV_NextSelected_START (I guess) and the
step through the hole list. It worked for me.

